Jenštejn Palace -
Since 1965 the museum has been using the rooms of the architecturally most valuable house in Beroun, the so-called Jenštejn Palace dating back to the early 17th century. The museum’s individual expositions are devoted not only to the Protected Landscape Area of Bohemian Karst and the world renowned location of Barrandien, but also the history of Beroun and its famous figures. The museum’s history begins in 1888, when the Museum’s society and public library for the people of Beroun were established. Since 1965 the museum has been using the rooms of the architecturally most valuable house in Beroun, the so-called Jenštejn Palace from the early 17th century, which recently underwent extensive reconstruction. Since 2003 the museum’s administrator has been the Central Bohemian Region.
Museum’s expositions -
The museum’s expositions trace Bohemian Karst – its oldest settlement a 180 thousand years ago, the mysterious underground world of caves and abysses, and the present countryside. Furthermore, they are dedicated to the history of Beroun and its famous figures. Here you will find the interior of 19th century country folk buildings. You can also learn about the history of the Beroun guilds, which already existed in the 14th century.
Opening hours: Open all year, Tue – Sat: 9:00 – 12:00, 12:45 – 17:00; Sun and holiday: 10:00 – 12:00, 12:45 – 17:00; On 24th and 31st December: 10:00 – 16:00; On 25th and 26th December:10:00 – 17:00.
Pilsen Gate -
Another permanent exposition located in the rooms of the Pilsen Gate traces the history of the system of the town’s fortifications and the history of the town itself. You can also take a look at the mechanism of the tower clock and observe the whole town and the preserved remains of the fortifications from the tower gallery.
CZ annotation:
Address: Muzeum Českého krasu Beroun, Husovo náměstí 87, Beroun 26601
phone: +420 311 624 101
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